Over nearly five decades of documenting surfing, a renowned big wave filmmaker described a recent swell event at Jaws as one of the top five he has ever witnessed. This extraordinary run of XXL surf spanned five consecutive days, peaking on December 22, coinciding with the 2024 Rip Curl Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational. The filmmaker captured the final two days of this historic swell, though footage of the last paddle session, before the conditions shifted to tow-in only, is still in progress.
The event showcased exceptionally glassy conditions, a rarity in Maui, according to Jaws veteran Yuri Soledade. The first day of the swell featured waves likened to “baby skyscrapers,” while the second day brought towering waves with faces estimated at 60 to 70 feet. Some waves were breaking top to bottom, adding to the intensity.
Maui local Shaun Lopez, who has frequented Jaws for over 20 years, called it one of the most powerful swell events he has ever experienced. The timing of the peak swell at 3-4 p.m., combined with its direct 330° trajectory at Jaws, created unmatched energy. He compared it to a notable swell from January 2023 but acknowledged this event as uniquely massive.
Despite many prominent surfers riding at Waimea Bay, Jaws saw a lineup of brave participants, including rising local talent. Among them were Shaun Lopez, DK Walsh, Austin Kalama, Ty Simpson-Kane, Will Santana, Maddix Alotis, and Jaws legend Dave Kalama. The waves were described as relentless, with periods of continuous breaking that lasted up to 30 minutes. The sheer size and consistency created intimidating yet rideable conditions, leaving an indelible mark on everyone who experienced it.