On January 9, 2025, Rod Laver Arena will host the third edition of “A Night With Novak,” an exhibition event headlined by Novak Djokovic. This charity event, which has already sold out its 15,000-seat capacity, aims to support children’s charities through the Australian Tennis Foundation. For those unable to attend in person, the event will be broadcast live on Nine HD at 7:30 pm AEDT and streamed globally via the Australian Open’s official YouTube channel.
The evening’s lineup features several tennis stars. Djokovic will commence with a singles match against Nick Kyrgios, following their recent doubles partnership at the Brisbane International. Subsequently, an Olympic-themed mixed doubles match will take place, with Djokovic teaming up with 2024 women’s singles gold medalist Qinwen Zheng to face Andy Murray and Belinda Bencic, both Olympic gold medalists themselves.
The event will also highlight wheelchair tennis in a special showcase, featuring Djokovic and Murray alongside world No. 1 Tokito Oda and Australian legend Dylan Alcott, emphasizing inclusivity within the sport.
This exhibition not only offers fans a chance to witness high-caliber tennis but also serves as a prelude to the Australian Open, which begins on January 12, 2025.