It’s been eight months since Maverick’s stood up on the bowl, caught surfers by surprise and graciously let a few slide down its surface. Tuesday, November 12, was like the first day of school (seeing familiar faces, getting reacquainted with homework) if Pillar Point hosted one of the planet’s most dangerous campuses.
Veteran lensman and water safety member Frank Quirarte noted that the conditions were considerably better, bigger and more consistent than expected. From sunup to sundown it was on in Half Moon Bay, and as you’ll see from his photos there were some gems.

However, the day wasn’t without its drama. Hamilton Jacobs clocked off work at J7 Surfboards to give Mavs a crack and got caught inside on a bomb. During one big set in the afternoon, he got sucked over the falls and blew out his knee, requiring an evac to Standard Hospital (a 45-minute drive on a good day). Kudos to the water patrol for getting him out of there, calling 911 and having medics ready in the harbor as they rolled in with the ski.
“Lucky to be alive,” Hamilton wrote on his Insta. “Thanks to all the rescue guys looking out.” A few of the usual suspects got solid, square rides: Peter Mel, Alo Slebir, Luca Padua in particular. Mason Barnes was also a clear standout, going backside on a rotund one. Quirarte kindly sent over a few frames from an all-day affair. We’ll have more for you to mind surf later today.