Gymnastics rival Rebeca Andrade opens up on the much anticipated vault move as Simone Biles bids YDP farewell: “I Have The Ability”

For lovers of gymnastics, there’s not much more exciting than witnessing Simone Biles do the electrifying Yurchenko Double Pike. The manoeuvre has come to be associated with the Olympic star, but seeing her do it seems to be a thing of the past. Fans are scrambling to find a suitable replacement, so Biles’ fiercest adversary Rebeca Andrade must now satisfy the aficionados of gymnastics.


Rebeca Andrade Updates posted a TikTok video on September 2nd, in which the Brazilian gymnast was heard discussing her potential to succeed Simone. The 25-year-old considers her chances of pulling off the coveted Triple-Twisting Yurchenko (TTY) in the short film. Andrade can be heard stating, “I really want to do the TTY,” but she clarifies that it’s more than simply a routine motion for her.


“I practiced, I realised I have the talent, and it was good,” the two-time gold medallist at the Olympics stated. She was forced to acknowledge, nevertheless, that her goals are far lower than Biles’. It isn’t as simple as saying, “Oh, I want to enter my name in the code book. That isn’t the case, Andrade stated. Rather, she pointed out it was just her inner gymnastics enthusiast who wanted to enjoy herself while flipping. The three-time gold medallist at the World Championships asserted that she doesn’t think about her wishes in opposing ways.


Along with that, she disclosed that she has been going to the gym regularly in order to get her talents up to par with her aspirations. “I will undoubtedly gain confidence if I continue to train. And after that, I’ll present it,” she states firmly. Given her excitement for the TTY, one would ask, why haven’t we seen it by now? Biles, Simone. It’s because of her.


Andrade said that she didn’t think the recently finished 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris was the appropriate platform to present her training achievements, nor did her team. Andrade feels that it wouldn’t have mattered in the first place because the most decorated gymnast in history of the United States of America executed both of her vaults exactly. However, we also believed that it was unnecessary given the Olympics today. Since winning would be extremely challenging…Even if I performed the triple,” the gymnast admitted, highlighting how dominant she was over her rivals in Paris. Andrade wouldn’t mind adopting a different routine from the same family of techniques for her own glory, though, as Simone seems to be hinting that Paris might be the final location where she did the YDP. However, what are these two movements that we keep bringing up?


A delicious treat in store for enthusiasts of gymnastics?

Two vault family gymnastics moves are the TTY and the YDP, also known as the Biles II. But the TTY uses a triple-twisting arrangement, whilst the former—made famous by Simone Biles herself—is a double-piked reverse salto. Even though the YDP is an incredibly challenging technique to execute, the TTY isn’t too bad. The original performer of Biles II is said to have trained for the move, but she has never successfully executed it on a gymnast, and she has never done the TTY in a competition. Simone Biles’s signature move is rated as having a difficulty level of 6.4 by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG).



However, the TTY has not yet been added to the International Code of Points. However, given that the 2 1/2-twisting Yurchenko earns a 5.0 difficulty rating, Andrade may believe that there is still hope for her to catch up to Biles. But Andrade may have other weapons in her arsenal besides the TTY. By including an additional twist in the Cheng, the Brazilian celebrity might also equal the Biles II’s difficulty score. However, Biles has already stated that, in the future, she might remove the YDP from her repertoire. Simone may be content to ride into the sunset due to her advanced age, but Andrade’s goals are still brightly shining. Will she be allowed to join Biles at the same table, though?

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