Aussie Surf Legend Narrowly Survives Collision with Whale

As a budding star in the Quiksilver Young Guns series, a searing section in Taylor Steele’s Campaign II, and slammed like a sardine in a van with the likes of Kelly Slater in the Europe edition of the Drive Thru anthology, Ry Craike made his mark as a fun-loving, high-pitched-giggling, and absolutely ripping free-surfer in the early aughts.

Since then, however, he’s shied from the surf spotlight somewhat. But anyone who was around for that era of surf cinema will easily recall the Aussie goofyfooter’s go-for-broke layback hacks, or his knack for threading long, tricky tubes.

Now, Craike has resurfaced. But perhaps not in the way most surf fans would’ve liked. Craike and his father were recently involved in an accident – a boat collision with a whale – which left them both seriously injured and lucky to be alive.

Retelling the incident, Craike posted:

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“As some of you may know at approximately 6:45pm on Tuesday the 16th July about 22 nautical mile north of Kalbarri me and my old man were in an accident when my boat was struck on the port side bow by a whale on the steam back to Kalbarri.

“I head butted the dash and received some wounds to my head while my old man was left seriously injured as he took most of the impact. It took me nearly an hour to steam back to Kalbarri where I was met by the Kalbarri sea search and rescue approximately 2 mile outside of the Kalbarri river mouth.

“We had 2 members from sea search and rescue jump on board and look after Dad while I steamed in the river mouth. I was taken to Geraldton in the ambulance while my old man was flown down to Perth by Royal Flying Doctor in a critical condition.”

Heavy stuff. And the surf world poured in with well wishes: “Glad to hear you’re all safe brother.” – Mick Fanning; “Mate, that’s wild. Lots of love and healing to you and the old boy.” – Taj Burrow; “So glad you two are healing up Ry! Big hug to both of you.” – Ian Walsh.

By all accounts, despite the serious injuries, it looks like Craike and his dad are going to pull through this fluke and tragic accident. Craike continued:

“I am so happy to say that my old man is now awake and is making good progress, receiving the best care possible. He received a lot of serious injuries but he is a stubborn old bugger and we are hopeful in time he can make a full recovery and get back do doing what he loves. On behalf of me and my family we would like to thank everyone that has been involved in helping us, the amount of love and support has been overwhelming.”

Here’s to a speedy recovery for the two of ‘em.

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