Submit Your Best Summer Surf Clips, Win $1,000 Every Week

Submit Your Best Summer Surf Clips, Win $1,000 Every Week

SURFER and 5-Hour Energy are giving away $1,000 every week for the greatest Clips of the Summer for the next five weeks. Here’s how to participate…and succeed.

We might as well make it profitable if surfers are going to surf this hard to Gramme. This summer, for five weeks, we’ve partnered with 5-Hour Energy to award the greatest “Clips of the Summer” with a big prize every week. That refers to you. Please send us your surfing videos.

Every week for five weeks, we will select a new champion. Prior to revealing the winner, we will compile a rip clip with our weekly favourites. Worst case, you get posted on SURFER’s Instagram; best case, you win a cool G. Win-win.

Mason Ho shot by Kalani Cumming for Clips of the Summer

Don’t worry: no need to be Mason Ho to enter.

And don’t worry if you’re not Nathan Florence with his GoPro; anyone may participate, and our requirements are, well, kind of vague. Surfing this summer should be epic. We wish to become excited. This implies that you can win with airs, carves, nose rides, combos, tube rides, finners, wipeouts, and anything else you can slide into. It might be something lovely. Something enjoyable. Something extreme. maybe even humorous. You already know what summer surfing means to us: $1,000 per week. Tell us what it means to you.

To enter, simply upload your clips here, get your friends to vote, and we’ll award a new winner $1,000 every week.

So what are you waiting for? Go surfing, document that banger, and score some summer cash.

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