Postecoglou says, “You’re probably better off,” in response to a player’s criticism on social media

Postecoglou says, “You’re probably better off,” in response to a player’s criticism on social media.



Ange Postecoglou has expressed concern that football players might not be the best candidates to be on social media in response to the disparaging remarks Ryan Sessegnon got following his most recent physical setback.


In the most recent U23 match against West Ham United, Sessegnon had the same ailment on his right side, just as he was working hard to recover from the hamstring surgery he had to have on his left leg during the preseason.


As a result, the 23-year-old had to undergo surgery once more; he will likely be sidelined for ten to twelve weeks due to the injury (Alasdair Gold).


Last week, Sessegnon resorted to social media to express his heartbreak at experiencing yet another severe setback right when he was beginning to see some hope. Nevertheless, he pledged to put in the work required to get back into action as soon as possible.


The former Fulham player also advised certain supporters to exercise caution while posting anything online, emphasizing that he is not to blame for his physical degeneration and acknowledging that some of the things he has seen have hurt him.



Ange Postecoglou’s tweet



Postecoglou addresses Sessegon’s comments on social media

Postecoglou has recently stated that, because to the nature of social media, players using the platform should anticipate receiving negative comments.


The Tottenham head coach said to Football.London, in response to a question concerning the responses Sessegnon has received, “I didn’t read it, they [the club] made me aware of it.” I suppose the simple thing to say is, “Look, just stay off social media,” and I can do that, but I suppose younger people use social media as a platform or a means of expression, which I can kind of understand.


However, they must also possess the maturity to understand that occasionally the audience For want of a better phrase, I believe using social media is akin to claiming your innocence as you enter a jail yard. You won’t receive a great deal of sympathy.


“The majority of it will be directed towards you, so if you’re ready for that, great. But, if you’re just going in there to try to feel good, trust me when I say that, even with the most sincere of motivations for expressing what you want to express or sharing what you want to share, you won’t usually walk away from it feeling particularly good about yourself. Simply put, after using that kind of platform, you’re bound to realize, “I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”


Postecoglou stated that although he is always available to talk with players about their experiences, he does not advise them on what to do.


“I give them advice, but I’m never willing to dictate because I’m not in their shoes,” he continued. Who’s to say that I wouldn’t be all over social media if I were a football player in my early 20s living today? We used to spend all of our time outside, so it’s similar to the saying that you can’t get youngsters off of their iPads or Playstations. Honestly, we didn’t have a choice. Maybe I would have been inside as well if we had had a choice. Thus, you must possess some comprehension.


However, I do make an effort to offer some advice concurrently. They must realize that despite all of the privileges and benefits you get in life, there is always a duty and a need for maturity because there’s always a chance that the good things won’t last, and you have to be ready for that.


You’re probably better off, and there’s probably a feeling that you’re not ready to enter that environment, if you’re not, or if it negatively impacts you. That’s the counsel of an elderly man. I have no idea how much of it is correct or how much they listen. I can only offer advice based on my personal experience.


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Professional athletes have social media profiles to further their brands, which makes sense. However, because there is a lot of hate on these sites, it is not a good idea for them to manage their own accounts or read the messages they receive.


Because of their privileges, some people on these platforms do not view footballers and other celebrities as persons; instead, they view them as fair game, which is regrettable.

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