Postecoglou warns Tottenham players and shares his words with them following the defeat by West Ham

Ange Postecoglou has communicated to his Tottenham Hotspur teammates that their time with the team will “never be smooth.” He also disclosed what he said to them in the dressing room following their loss to West Ham.


Spurs swept to the top of the Premier League standings at the start of the season with a 10-game winning streak. They have, however, lost four of their last five games without a win, which culminated in a 2-1 home derby loss to West Ham that infuriated Postecoglou.


The 58-year-old Australian’s only advantage to Tottenham is that he has experience here. At all of his previous clubs, there was always an adjustment period before the players fully grasped his methods and drastically different philosophy. However, he cautioned his Spurs team that they would never be permitted to fully settle under his leadership.


I have the advantage of experience because I have been there. I’ve experienced this numerous times. Therefore, I am clear about what we need to do,” Postecoglou stated prior to Spurs’ game against Newcastle United. But wherever I go, I’m always conscious of the fact that for many of these guys, it’s their first time. That’s why I am aware that difficulties always arise in the first season; sometimes they occur at the start of my employment, sometimes they occur in the middle, and sometimes they occur at the conclusion.


It is necessary for players to experience that, get through it, and realize, “Okay, we made it through.” We’re still here, we’re still alive, and we’re still game, so it hasn’t killed us, right? Then, if anything, it can fortify us moving forward, though I obviously benefit from that experience. In this case, my job is to help the players navigate it because they don’t. I am aware of how we will overcome this and what lies ahead.”


“But they have to experience it themselves and learn about it themselves,” he continued. It won’t get any easier, so do they want to participate in this? I tell them that one thing over and over again.


While I’m at the club, there will never be a moment when everything goes smoothly. even when everything is going smoothly. I’m going to keep pushing for improvement from us. I’m going to keep pushing for us to get better and for this football team to succeed. Therefore, they will never be able to take solace in the knowledge that everything will work out as it should.


“So, aside from the beginnings, this is where I’m most alert—not just with the players, but with the staff, the entire football club—so the more they embrace this side of it, the better. It’s a great time for me to be somewhere.” How are all of you doing?


I’m at my most aware here, aside from the beginnings, not just with the players but also with the staff and everyone else at the football club, so the more they embrace this aspect of it, the better. It’s a great time for me to be here. How does this affect everyone’s reaction? It provides me with a clear indication of what has to be done moving forward.”


Over the years, the word “Spursy,” which is used anytime the team makes a mistake, has followed the north London club. It has surfaced once more recently, as Tottenham became the first team in Premier League history to lose five straight games despite leading 1-0 in each of them after losing to West Ham. It’s safe to say that Postecoglou finds the term offensive.


That is playground fare. All I have to know is that this team hasn’t had a victory in fifteen years. All I need to know is that. Why that is, why others might believe that to be, and whatever label that may apply, that is the truth. It’s impossible to avoid that,” he remarked.


I have no intention of trying to hide that, and neither should anyone else at this football team. Similar to most organizations, in order to succeed, you must develop a plan and follow it, as well as learn from the mistakes made in the past.


“Your motivation and drive cannot come from the labels that others choose to apply to it. You must follow the process and have a clear plan of action if you want to be successful.”

“The new players shouldn’t be burdened by the Spursy tag because they lack experience,” he continued. It is difficult for me to assess whether it weighs the ones who have been here, but I don’t consider it or discuss it from a historical standpoint.


“You have to just plan your course of action. It is impossible to alter perceptions in more than one way. It is unlikely that people will alter their opinions of you just because you wish them to. You must provide them with an incentive. That is our current situation. I am here because the club desired to take a different direction. That’s my current activity.


I have always said that change entails changing everything. Let’s get rid of them if it means altering people’s perspectives because they bear scars from the past. You can’t just hope for the best. Things must occur. You need to reroute your current course of action. That’s the journey I’ve taken.


“We’re just getting started, and I apologize if this sounds repetitive. In my opinion, there is still more work to be done, but in the near future, we must continue to reward our fans and ensure that, as a football team, we are where we need to be.”


Brennan Johnson joined Tottenham for £47.5 million in the summer, but he hasn’t scored any more goals than that. That’s a weight off their shoulders. Throughout his injury-marred first few months at the north London club, the Wales international has shown flashes of brilliance but has not yet found his full footing.


The 22-year-old’s high price tag and move to a team that is anticipated to contend higher up the table, in Postecoglou’s opinion, have not affected him.


He signed with a major football team. Playing for a major football team does not allow you to run away. The Australian said, “It doesn’t happen.” “Any player who joins a major football team does so because they want to be there; they want the spotlight, the responsibility, and the opportunity to be the one who makes a difference.


“Brendan came here for that reason. He could have easily stayed at Nottingham Forest, where he was building a fantastic career for himself, but he decided to move to a big club because he wanted to step outside of his comfort zone after spending so much time there. That is, after all, a feature of large-scale clubs. He is aware of that, I know.


But that doesn’t happen instantly. He will eventually accept that. We need to encourage him to do that more and have more faith in himself because what we’ve seen of his game is really, really exciting. That will happen, I’m sure of it. I’m confident it will materialize. He has that, in my opinion.


“But they have to get to that space, just like in any other process involving young players and people.” Although you make every effort to assist them in arriving as soon as possible, occasionally it takes a little longer.”


Richarlison is one player who hasn’t lived up to the £60 million price tag that Spurs paid Everton eighteen months ago. However, the Spurs manager is optimistic that the Brazilian will perform better after groin surgery because he will be able to play without limitations.


“It’s not that I want him to take the lead. That presents an opportunity. That’s really all you can ask for with any football player. Nothing more than the fundamental framework of “here’s an opportunity for you, your opportunity now exists to make your own mark and make an impact” is what a club or manager can do for you, Postecoglou stated.


His return is greatly appreciated. It’s safe to say that his physical appearance has improved and he appears much more free than he did at the beginning of the year. It appears that he has benefited from the medical intervention. Even though he isn’t quite match fit, it was a good idea to have him play for a little longer last night.


“He will be necessary. We will require every single guy. For the foreseeable future, we will continue to have the current group of people. It will be up to them to change their own circumstances.”


Next week, Spurs may have to say goodbye to Postecoglou, as his assistant head coach Chris Davies is a strong candidate to take over as Swansea’s manager. The Welsh team has already made one attempt to sign the 38-year-old, who was previously employed by Liverpool, Leicester, and Celtic.


Postecoglou stated that he would not rule out Davies leaving and that in the end, it would not be up to him whether Swansea was able to reintegrate the youthful coach.


Although the club made the decision, not me, I think it fits with what I do. Players and staff are things I develop. “When good people are wanted by others, it’s a sign they live in your building,” he said. “If no one was expressing interest in our people, that would worry me more. Chris will have a say in the club’s decision regarding the future course of action. Although I have opinions, I won’t have the last word.


This week, Spurs captain Son Heung-min referred to the team as “soft.” Postecoglou has now clarified what he told the players on Thursday night following their loss to West Ham, even though they had 75% of the possession, 717 passes to the visitors’ 184, and 23 shots on goal.


The Tottenham manager has made it abundantly evident to his team that playing the type of football he wants them to play is only half the fight.


I give the players the freedom to go where they want to. I make clear to them what I believe, and it’s up to them to accept that, carry it out, and form their own opinions,” he said. “It wasn’t about our football last night when I spoke with them. It was about realizing that playing football will only take us so far, and that in order to advance, we must truly discipline ourselves and have strong beliefs about our identity and goals. It is to be expected that there will be some gaps at the start of the cycle. Our weaknesses are there.”



He went on, “A combination of both,” when asked if possessing that conviction is more of a mental or technical quality. You accept the responsibility when it comes your way because you want it. It starts with the mental aspect, followed by the conviction in your ability to carry out the task at hand without hurrying and without finding yourself in a situation where you have to deviate significantly from your usual course of action.


In football, scoring goals is the most difficult task. We are aware of that. Simultaneously, there is a method and a way of thinking that, if you follow, are extremely disciplined, and have faith in what you’re doing, you give yourself a better chance when you enter those areas. In the match against West Ham, we had some excellent opportunities and possession of the ball, but we didn’t really put the opposition or the goalkeeper to the test.


Every place I’ve been has had a similar experience, where players occasionally start to believe that playing football by itself will provide that. It is untrue that if we play a certain way, we will undoubtedly win and score goals. There remains.


To cap it all, there’s still what they bring to the table as individuals. Even though our football team was clearly superior, especially in the first half, it is evident that this was insufficient. You must be able to carry out if you truly want to complete that. That can only be accomplished by the individual and the team working together; the football won’t do that.”


Thus, how does Tottenham acquire the killer instinct that has been absent from the team for such a long time?


by not being afraid to tackle it. You must put effort into it. The Spurs head coach stated, “You can work at it by being disciplined, by being continually exposed to those kind of conditions in practice and during games, and not shying away from it.” “That is your responsibility if you plan to perform at a large club where they are successful.


You cannot simply avoid that. That is how things really are. In my opinion, this is the reason I’m steadfast in our efforts. I’m not going to absolve us by saying that just because we played well last night, that’s enough. It’s not. That component needs to be completed as well.


That’s the role that we play. I don’t play football like this to amuse people. It’s the kind of football I play because it’s winning. I like that it now serves as entertainment as well. They don’t have to conflict with one another, in my opinion. In the end, it’s because it works. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be sitting here.


“I wouldn’t be in this position if it was just something I was making up that people liked but didn’t work out. Gaining success has been the focus of my entire career. I want us to play the way we do because of this. At every club I’ve been to, there is a potential for players to fall into a trap where they believe playing football is their only option.

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